Southern Cross Partners Blog

Explaining specialist lending to your clients

Written by Southern Cross Partners | Jan 26, 2023 1:18:22 AM

Southern Cross Partners is a specialist lender, and our focus is on getting your clients from A to B quickly and easily. We do this by providing short-term, flexible lending solutions. 

Specialist lenders come in when banks won’t lend on a loan, despite the loan making complete sense. We’ve been creating specialist solutions for Kiwis for the last 25 years by bridging that gap. 

We fill an important role in the financial ecosystem. We know what types of deals work for us and we lend on them, and them alone.  

Most of the loans we offer at SCP are short-term bridging loans, both open and closed. Both types of bridging loans are made to cover a space in time, helping your clients to be better off in the long-term. 

If you think a specialist loan will work for your client, here’s how to talk about what we offer: 

  • SCP provide short-term, flexible solutions that get will get you from A to B
  • SCP is a New Zealand-owned business, that has been in operation for more than 25 years 
  • They are industry experts who believe in values like honesty, loyalty, and trust 
  • It’s not just numbers that are considered when SCP is assessing an application, they take the client’s unique situation into consideration
  • Being 100% independent means they have the freedom to work in ways that work best for their clients 
  • They treat every loan on its merit, not by boxes to tick. 

If you and your client think a loan with SCP may be a good fit, then we welcome calls or emails before you lodge an application. In fact, we prefer it. By doing this we can share our initial interest in the loan before you put time into applying. 

We don’t compete with banks at SCP. We’re happy to work alongside them to find the best solutions for clients. 

Whatever the reason behind the banks declining your client’s application there are other options to pursue. We’re always happy to talk through the details and use our specialist lender skills to benefit both you and your clients.