Southern Cross Partners Blog

Introducing: Cam Harper, Managing Partner

Written by Southern Cross Partners | Mar 29, 2022 2:06:22 AM


Cam has been part of the Southern Cross Partners team for nearly three years. He joined the business as Head of Sales and Marketing in 2019 and became a Managing Partner 18 months ago. Prior to SCP, Cam worked across media, advertising, sales and marketing and construction.

As Managing Partner, the overall Southern Cross Partners team comes first, through our ethos that happy people make a happy business. Cam believes having an engaged team makes the company run smoothly and knows SCP are blessed with a great team across the business. He also oversees the flow of loans coming into the business and through to the investments you see available to invest in. Cam’s also responsible for the marketing of SCP.

His love for seeing Kiwis achieve their goals, whether that’s investors securing financial freedom so they can enjoy the big and little things in life or providing lending to help customers get from A to B, lead him to joining the SCP team.

We asked him for his take on what to consider when looking at investment opportunities

  • Understand the company. These days you can invest in almost anything, but where is your money really going? It’s important you do your research to answer these questions or consult your financial adviser to answer them for you. Are they registered with the FMA? What’s the backstop to protect you as an investor if things go belly-up?
  • Understand the risk. No investment is risk-free, and every investment has its own unique risk-profile to consider. Having a conversation with a financial advisor is always recommended.
  • Understand your investment. While an investment rate may look good, you need to take time to understand why it looks good. You need to understand exactly what your investment means.
  • Ask questions. Our team are here to answer any questions you have to make sure you’re comfortable before undertaking any investing with us. The last thing we want is for anyone to feel they don’t know enough.

At Southern Cross Partners, there’s no such thing as a dumb question. We’re honest and transparent, and we’re always available if you have any questions you want to bounce off us.