Southern Cross Partners Blog

Here's what you told us in last month's survey

Written by Southern Cross Partners | Mar 27, 2024 10:09:25 PM

Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to our survey last month. We received over 200 submissions! This included some fantastic feedback on what you’d like to hear from us, and your experience investing with SCP. 

  • An overwhelming majority of you said that you were happy with the amount of communication you receive from SCP. Great to hear! 
  • When asked what content you are most interested in each month, over 50% of you would like to receive more information on recent loans available for investing, and specific SCP business updates. We couldn’t agree more, and we are working on diversifying the type of content we share with you moving forward. Watch this space. 
  • Some of you said you'd like to understand how we qualify our loans, how our business model works, or where specialist investment companies fit into the market. We’ll take that on board, and in the meantime, you can click here to learn how our business model works, including what we look for in each loan application.


Investing with SCP
  • Most respondents said that their preferred investment type is residential, or that they don’t have a preference. Since 1997 our loans have been predominantly residential, so it’s great to see that we’re meeting our investors’ needs. In addition, the high number of investors who don’t have a preference indicates the high level of trust they have in the quality of the security we offer.
  • Nearly all of our respondents said they’d invest with SCP again, and 80% said they’d recommend SCP to a friend or colleague.
  • An overwhelming majority of respondents said the loan-to-value (LVR) ratio matters to them when investing in a loan. This makes sense: the lower the LVR percentage, the more equity is available in the property so naturally our investors will want to understand what the LVR is before making an investment.
  • We take a conservative approach to risk assessment and always lend our money first. In our 27 years of operation, no investor has ever lost interest or principle, and while past performance is no guarantee of future performance, it’s a record we strive hard to maintain. Our default rates are updated monthly and can be viewed here.

We love hearing what you think about the content we share with you each month, so please reach out to us at if you have any questions or further feedback.