Southern Cross Partners Blog

Helping borrowers use property equity to boost their business

Written by Southern Cross Partners | Mar 1, 2023 6:39:39 PM

Sometimes business is going well and sometimes there’s room for improvement. In the first two months of 2023 alone, many businesses across the country need extra support to get by. Southern Cross Partners can be there to help by providing a capital injection via property equity for those who need it. 

We’re not box tickers and we look at every application on its own merits. We know that often when a business needs money for whatever reason, they need to know quickly if it can happen, that’s one of our many strengths.

A business may have a solid recovery plan but need a cash injection to get them started. Or they may want to expand their business or buy someone out of an existing business. We may be able to help clients access their property equity to free up capital. 

Whatever the reason, SCP’s business lending options are flexible. We believe that people have worked hard for the equity on their property, and they should be able to leverage that to make smart business decisions. 

Our lending team can give feedback on loan applications within hours, something that can be invaluable for businesses that need it. And if we can’t help, we work to find a way you can help your borrower. 

Even if you think a borrower may not qualify due to past circumstances, try us, as there’s a range of options we can look at and we may be able to help. So, never hesitate to get in touch on 09 535 2239 or