Specialist lending is for situations needing special attention. Our advisers come to us when their...

Specialist lending is for situations needing special attention. Our advisers come to us when their...
At Southern Cross Partners, we like nothing more than to see clients achieve their financial goals.
Southern Cross Partners is a specialist lender. This means we come in when your clients’ loans...
By Christina Leung, Principal Economist for the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research
At Southern Cross Partners, we like nothing more than to see clients achieve their financial goals.
For more than 25 years we’ve provided investors with thousands of opportunities to invest in...
By Christina Leung, Principal Economist for the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research
At Southern Cross Partners, we're all about helping people seize new opportunities with our...
Our lending team has been hard at work helping financial advisers secure deals with Southern Cross...
Occasionally we have Secondary Market opportunities on the Investor Portal when an investor...