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On the hunt for residential refinance loans in main centres


Above all else, Southern Cross Partners exists to help people carve out new opportunities for themselves.

Whether your clients are purchasing their first investment property or adding to an already substantial portfolio, a short-term loan from a specialist lender such as SCP may make more sense for your client’s circumstance right now rather than a traditional bank.

There are plenty of reasons why a bank won’t lend on a loan even though the deal makes sense. They may want to refinance an existing investment property to allow better portfolio flexibility or need a cash injection for their business by using the equity in their property.

Right now we’re most interested in residential refinance deals in locations across the country. To discuss the loan-to-value ratio we’re lending on and key details we’re looking for, feel free to give one of your friendly lending team a call on 0800 00 58 43.

When you talk to the lending team, they’ll ask lots of questions about how the borrower plans to exit the loan. Every loan we approve at SCP must have a clear exit. Here are two main ways residential refinance borrowers usually repay their loans:

  • Bank transfer. After a year of working with us borrowers have got their finances in order and are ready to move to a traditional bank or another financer.
  • Asset sale. This is a common clear exit strategy, particularly with people bridging between houses. People sell their previous home after the one they’ve bought, and the bridging loan allows them to do

There is of course a myriad of ways for borrowers to exit their loan with us, which is why we always welcome a conversation to understand what the best approach is to ensure they’re going to end up in a stronger position as a result.

If you have a residential borrower who you believe could benefit from a loan with SCP, don’t hesitate to give us a call to discuss. We’re always happy to scope out potential deals with advisers before an application comes through.