As a specialist lender with a long history in construction lending, SCP is used to handling new...
In this instalment of the Loan Lowdown, we look at an investment property purchase in Auckland, a...
In the nearly 30 years Southern Cross Partners has been operating we have seen many peaks and...
At Southern Cross Partners we offer specialist property lending for situations that don’t fit bank...
At Southern Cross Partners we have a team of very talented people who go above and beyond for our...
Southern Cross Partners has been helping Kiwis get from A to B through specialist lending for...
During the second half of the year, we’ve seen a large increase in advisers coming to us with new...
Specialist lending is for situations needing special attention. Our advisers come to us when their...
In the lead-up to the holiday period, we tend to see our loan pipeline gather lots of momentum at...
Construction investments can be a tricky concept to understand. For this reason, we often find...